Building Delivery

The Design Fabrication Group explores the application of digital fabrication for Building Delivery. We aim to discover fast, low-energy methods to use computation for the production of buildings directly from 3D CAD models. Our ultimate goal is to assist in physical production of buildings, in particlular wooden houses. Our current system defined as planar modeling makes possible immediate manufacturing of structures as a kit of parts from a 3D model. We use a variety manufacturing methods from additive to subtractive The theoretical framework of our system is based on generative modeling techniques found in evolutionary systems. Our system is guided by rules that decompose an initial 3D shape into smaller interlocking parts ready for CAD/CAM fabrication and assembly as a physical kit of parts. In theory, our evolutionary planar system can support physical delivery of any size building and any number of components.

Research Areas

Lawrence Sass, MIT Image

Lawrence Sass, MIT

Design Fabrication Group,  2005

Image of Larry Sass

Larry Sass

Principle Investigator

Associate Professor

Department of Architecture

Graduate Students

  • Ankur Podder (SMArchS 2019)

Undergraduate Students (UROP)

  • Emily-Yanjun Liu (2023)
  • Izzi Waitz (2023)
  • Seif Eses (2022)
  • NIna Huttenmann(2022)
  • Stephanie Li (2022)
  • Erica Liu (2022)
  • Nicole A Teichner (2022)